Meet Our Team!
LEAP@HKUST is a school-supported student initiative that aims to promote gender equality in HKUST. Our vision is to spread awareness and spark conversations on gender equality issues and educate students on related topics.

ER Team: Chloe, Danny, Grace, Julian, Katrina, Meiyi, Mica, Sharnasree, Simar
Marketing Team: Amy, Christy, Hansika, Haylia, Josephine, Mitali, Nicole, Peggy
LEAP@HKUST 2021-2022

Open Recruitment
LEAP@HKUST recruits every year through mass email and social media, inviting UG/PG students passionate about gender equality and diversity. We welcome students of all disciplines and backgrounds to join us!

Team Transition
Over the summer, LEAP@HKUST holds various team building activities to encourage a fun and collaborative working environment. Throughout the year, everyone has the chance to organize an event hands on, or create one themselves.

Team Structure
We value everyone on our team. LEAP@HKUST has two departments (Marketing and External Relations), with Advisors, Directors and Members for each department. We encourage cross department collaboration, and for everyone to have the space to share their ideas and create their initiatives.

President's Message
The LEAP@HKUST student-led initiative and its focus on gender diversity fully aligns with HKUST’s core values, and in particular, “Inclusiveness, Diversity, Respect.”
I encourage HKUST members to actively engage in LEAP’s webinars, mentorship programs, and case competitions, and contribute to enriching ideas and perspectives for the benefit of our community.
Professor Wei Shyy
Email: leap2020@ust.hk
Instagram @leaphkust
LinkIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leaphkust/